Saturday, April 16, 2011

Linkvana - a Great Way to Get Backlinks

I don't think it's any secret that if you want to bring traffic to your website via SEO, you are going to need backlinks. But not all backlinks are built the same. You can get backlinks from article sites, forums, social profiles, etc... But Google especially loves blogs. They love when links are put in the context on the blog post. This is where Linkvana comes in quite handy. Linkvana has a MASSIVE amount of blogs which are hosted on different servers, which is something that Google also really loves. The blog posts only have to be 100 words. So, it's not like you have to write as much as you would for an article. It takes me all of 5 minutes to write a blog post. So, if you think about it, it takes me all of 5 minutes to get a really strong link to one of my websites.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Linkvana Review - is It Worth the Money

When people look at a service like linkvana, one question always comes up: Is it worth the money? I suppose it depends on how you want to use it. This Linkvana Review should help. If you think about just writing 3 blog posts for Linkvana, and expect to get a #1 ranking, you will be surely disappointed, because that's not how it works. I usually have to write at least 30 blog posts (aka 30 links) to get start getting the kind of results from Google that can make money for me. This is not an automated process, so if you don't want to do any work for your links, don't even bother signing up. Personally, I think its worth the money. Whatever, it has cost me, I have had a rate of return of at least 4 times that amount. Use it as part of your link building strategy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Should I Only Use Linkvana?

When it comes to internet marketing, I don't think I have to tell you that a lot of internet marketers are looking for the silver bullet. They just want the ONE way to build links and not have to think about it anymore. Although, I think Linkvana is a great tool, you can't just use it by itself to generate high search engine rankings. Google likes diversity. If you only needed one kind of link to get high rankings, then everybody would be fighting only to get those kind of links. The bigger the assortment of backlinks you have going to your site, the better off you are going to be in the long run. Also, don't just use one anchor text for all of your links. You want it to look somewhat natural. Experiment on a new site and see what kind of traffic you can generate. You'll be able to tweak it after the experiment is over.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Backilinking Tips - Don't Make the Same Mistakes

I remember when I first started in internet marketing. It's an incredibly daunting experience. You visit the forums, and it's inevitable that you have a major case of information overload. You've got hundreds of people telling you hundreds of different things. You hear about people making thousands of dollars every single month, but you have no clue where to begin. Read this Linkvana Review to get a better idea where to get started. If your aim is to get traffic through SEO purposes, then back linking is a must. You can pay for backlinks and you can write content like in article directories to generate links. You can even exchange links with other webmasters. You give them a link and, in return they give you a link. There are literally hundreds of different ways to do this. See what works best for you, and once you have that formula, just duplicate it over and over.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The ABCs of SEO

SEO doesn't have to be as complicated as some internet marketers will make you think it is. Let's sticks the basics. If you can create good content and get strong backlinks, I don't see why you can't get high search engine rankings. If you can write the content yourself because you are not a good writer, that shouldn't be a problem. All you have to do is outsource your writing. Don't worry, it's not that expensive. When it comes to backlinks, my personal recommendation is to use Linkvana. But don't just stop there. Create some videos on Youtube. You never know when something like that can become viral, then you don't have to really worry about search engine rankings anymore. Once you're in the top 5, then it's just a simple case of moderation. Throw a few links to your site every once in a while and you'll be fine.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are Backlinks the Most Important Aspect of SEO

SEO is always going to be treated like an art instead of a science. In other words, there is no exact formula to getting high rankings in the search engine. If there was, we'd all be doing the same exact thing, so in essence, it wouldn't work anymore. Backlinks is a key factor, which is why I am a big fan of Linkvana. The more backlinks doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be better for your rankings. You could spam the heck out of sites but that doesn't mean you are helping your rankings. In fact, you could be hurting them. No matter how you look at it, you want to make sure that Google thinks your back linking is being done naturally. If it's obvious to them that you are manipulating your backlinks, then Google is going to sandbox you, and that's the very last thing you want to happen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

SEO - Varying Your Anchor Text

If you don't know what anchor text, it's basically that keyword that you are using to link to your site. In other words, let's say you had a site about selling blue widgets, than that's the keyword you want to use to link to your site, so you can rank highly for that keyword in Google. You can sign up for a site like Linkvana, and use their blog network to rank high for your keywords. But the most important thing to note is that you can't just use "selling blue widgets" all the time. It's just not going to look natural in the eyes of Google. But you can use the keyword within the anchor text. For example, you can use "sell blue widgets" or "blue widgets for sale" as a perfectly good replacement. That will make it look like other sites are naturally linking to you, which is always a good thing.